Alexandra Uhl

Dr. Uhl is currently a Visiting Scholar at the University of Kentucky and Adjunct Instructor at Salve Regina University (Rhode Island). She has a doctoral degree in Archaeological Sciences from the University of Tübingen, Germany. Her research has been funded by the Leakey Foundation and focuses on sexual dimorphism and ontogeny. In her research, Dr. Uhl utilizes medical imaging software to study skeletal material and fossil specimens. She is the excavation leader of an ongoing archaeological project in Rhode Island funded by the van Beuren Charitable Foundation. With 9 years teaching experience, Dr. Uhl has taught as a Visiting Professor at Boston University and Salve Regina University. She regularly teaches courses in Anthropology and Biology, such as Primate Ecology & Evolution, Human Evolution, Archaeology, Humans and their Environment, Biological Statistics, Biological Principals, and Anatomy & Physiology. Her work has been published in PLOS ONE, the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, and Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.